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Last Updated: 3/21/2022, 8:00:54 AM

# Frequently Asked Questions

# Armada DS Uploader

# Why do my uploads keep failing?

The uploader saves a local file when uploading, which has a suffix of .upload. If an upload fails and this file does not get cleaned up, it will be in the way of any future uploads. In this case, delete the file and try again.

# Lobby and Party

# What is the difference between Lobby and Party?

Lobby is the service that serves parties and matchmaking. Other than those, the Lobby service also serves the Presence service, Friend service, and Chat service. Refer to this document for more information.

# What is the best way to synchronize platform invites/join requests with AccelByte parties?

AccelByte is considered a 3rd party service from the perspective of platform providers such as XBox, PSN, and Steam or Epic online stores. Because of this, AccelByte has no control over how friend invites are handled in such platforms. What Accelbyte does provide is an API (opens new window) to lookup AccelByte User IDs using the platform user ID that is obtained from the platform providers.

Cross platform invites are currently out of reach for AccelByte. In this case, please use AccelByte IDs for friend invites.

# Matchmaking and match sessions

# What are sessions and dedicated servers?

Dedicated servers refer to the servers or VMs that are spawned to run server binaries. Sessions refer to the match sessions that are created by the Matchmaking service when players are matched together. They could almost be used interchangeably, but they do have subtle differences.

# How do I join an active match session? (WIP)

There are multiple ways of approaching this, but AccelByte suggests the two following methods: Method 1:

  1. Utilize party storage to store match session information like IP/Port.
  2. Retrieve an active session using the session browser.
  3. Have the player join the active session. The DS server must validate whether the player is eligible to join or not.
  4. After the player joins the active session, the DS server must register the player to the session through the matchmaking API.

Method 2:

  1. The match session can be requeued in the matchmaking queue as long as it is a “joinable” session.
  2. Using this method, the steps to join the session are supported by the SDK.

# Customer Service

# Does AB offer anything service-wise in the realm of customer support and ticketing?

With regards to serving your users, we do not provide a ”Customer Service” service.

With regards to tools, we support SSO integration with ZenDesk. This lets customer service navigate between ZenDesk and the AB Admin Portal seamlessly to perform their tasks. AB can also integrate any other tools upon request.

# Two-Factor Authentication

# Where can I get the Backup Codes?

You will have received your Backup Codes when you first set up 2FA using the Backup Codes method. Check the places where you usually store your digital or physical backup codes.

# What if I lose my Backup Codes?

If you have set up 2FA using the authenticator app, you can go back to the login menu and authenticate using the authenticator app. Once logged in, go to Password & Security, regenerate your Backup Codes, and store these codes in a safe place.

# Where can I get my Security Code?

Open the authenticator app and input the Security Code in the login form when prompted.

# What if my Security Code is invalid?

Recheck your security code and make sure that the date and time on the phone where you have installed the authenticator app is synchronized with the date and time on your computer. If your security code keeps failing, try logging in using Backup Codes. If these steps fail, you can contact our support team.