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# Presence

# Overview

AccelByte Cloud’s Presence service enables players to see what other players are doing. Presence can show players if their friends are online or offline, and if they’re available to play together. We use WebSocket to ensure that a player’s presence status is updated in real-time. This service includes two main features:

  • Set User Presence allows clients to set a player’s availability and activity. There are five availability status options: Offline, Available, Busy, Away, and Invisible. Activity status is customizable and can include Playing a Game, In Lobby, In a Match, or In Party Looking For Members.
  • Get Friend Presence allows clients to show players what their friends are doing. Clients can display a player’s availability and activity status to their friends, so that players can invite friends that aren’t busy to play together.

If the service is successful, when a client sets a player’s availability code and status, that status will be visible to that player’s friends.

# Implement Presence using the Client SDKs

# Set Player Status

A player’s presence can be set by a game. This function is how to update the status of the player that is going to change the status.

# View a Friend’s Status

This allows the player’s friends to see when the player is online and what they are doing.

# Retrieve a List of Friends’ Statuses

Players can also see a list of all of their friends’ statuses.

# Bulk Users’ Presence

Retrieve player’s presence information in bulk. This will also count the number of users based on their presence status, such as online, busy, invisible, or offline. You can also set the countOnly parameter to true to fetch the count without fetching the users’ account data.