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Last Updated: 5/4/2023, 1:08:17 AM

# App Editor

# General

# Can I customize the layout using App Editor?

No, we don’t support layout customization.

# I don't see an undo and redo feature on App Editor. Will this feature be supported in the future?

Yes, we will support this feature in a later phase.

# Can I export and import my customization from one environment to another?

No, you can’t. This is a limitation of the MVP.

# General Setting: Page Title Configuration

# Can I use other variables for the Page Title configuration value?

Only two variables are supported: {pageTitle} and {brandName}

# Where is the value for the {pageTitle} variable taken from?

{pageTitle} gets its value from the Player Portal, Legal, or Login Website pages. For example, Store.

# Where is the value of the {brandName} variable taken from?

{brandName} gets its value from the Brand Name.

# What is the default value of the Page Title configuration?

The default value of Page Title is: {pageTitle} - {brandName}

# Can I use simple text instead of a variable {pageTitle} / {brandName}?

Yes. you can fill the Page Title with only a text or sentence; i.e AccelByte

# What happens when I use simple text or a sentence for the Page Title configuration?

If you use one word for the Page Title, it appears in every page’s browser title bar.

# Can I use a single variable on the Page Title configuration?

Yes. For example, if you use {pageTitle}, each page on the Player Portal, Legal, and Login websites uses that value.

# Can I use a different structure other than {pageTitle} - {brandName}?

Yes, you can use a combination of variables and text; for example, {pageTile} - Text. The browser title bar structure uses the value you set.