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Last Updated: 11/18/2022, 1:17:08 PM

# Wallet

# Overview

AccelByte Cloud’s Wallet service provides a way for your players to hold currency within their profiles in your game. Wallets are containers that hold virtual currency, referred to here as Coins, for your players. Players can purchase virtual currency using any real currency your payment aggregator supports, and you can have multiple virtual currencies in your game. Each wallet can hold only one currency, so if your game contains multiple virtual currencies, players will have multiple wallets.

From the Admin Portal, you can credit coins to or debit coins from a wallet or view a wallet’s transaction history.

# Prerequisites

  • You must create an IAM Client (opens new window) for each third-party platform virtual currency you want to support. You can set this up by entering each selected third-party platform into the Platform field.


  • You must create a virtual currency before you can begin working with wallets. You can check the Currency page in the Admin Portal to see if any virtual currencies already exist in your publisher or game namespace.


  • Virtual currency is treated like an in-game item by our backend services, so you should create an item for your currency before working with wallets.

    • If you don’t have an in-game store yet, first you’ll need to create a draft store and then create an item in the new store for your currency. You can check whether or not an in-game draft store has been created in the Stores page in the Admin Portal.


    • If you already have an in-game draft store, you’ll need to create an item in it for the currency if one doesn’t exist yet. To check whether or not an item already exists for your virtual currency, click View in the Action menu next to your in-game draft store in the Stores menu. Then, open the Items tab to search for the item. Select Filter by categories in the dropdown menu, and select Coins in the second dropdown menu that appears to narrow your search for items created for virtual currency. If no items are returned by the search, you’ll need to create an item for your currency.


# Permissions

Permissions are used to grant access to specific resources within our services. Make sure your account has the following permissions before you attempt to manage wallets in the Admin Portal. For a full list of permissions that impact wallet management, see the Platform/Commerce tab of the permissions reference

Usage Permission Tag Action
Get User’s Entitlement ADMIN:NAMESPACE:{namespace}:USER:{userId}:ENTITLEMENT Read
List User’s Wallet Transaction ADMIN:NAMESPACE:{namespace}:USER:{userId}:WALLET Read
Debit a User’s Wallet ADMIN:NAMESPACE:{namespace}:USER:{userId}:WALLET Update
Credit a User’s Wallet by Currency Code ADMIN:NAMESPACE:{namespace}:USER:{userId}:WALLET Update
Get a Platform Wallet Configuration List ADMIN:NAMESPACE:{namespace}:WALLET:CONFIG Read

Permissions work slightly differently depending on whether they are assigned to IAM Clients or Roles assigned to users. For more information, read the Authentication and Authorization documentation.

# Manage Payment Rules in the Admin Portal

You can cross-add virtual currency sources to another In-App Purchase platform. For example, you can add PlayStation and Steam as a source of payment to Xbox so you can make purchases on Xbox using your PlayStation or Steam balance. Below is a list of the default settings in the Admin Portal which you can adjust at any time.

Playing on Platform Source of Balance
PlayStation PlayStation + System
Xbox All
Steam All
Epic All
Apple All
Google Play All
Nintendo Nintendo + System
Other All


Choose Other if you want to add any In-App Purchases that are not listed in the above table.


System (virtual currency) lets you use the balance from another service, such as Entitlements, Rewards, etc., to make purchases.

After adding a virtual currency source, you can sort these sources to prioritize which balance is used first when making purchases. For example, you can make PlayStation top priority, followed by Steam, meaning that the cost of any purchase will be debited first from a player’s PlayStation balance and then Steam (if there are insufficient funds in the player’s Playstation balance to cover the total purchase cost).

Wallets can hold two types of balances: a Permanent Balance and a Time-Limited Balance. Time-limited balances come with an expiration date, after which the player will lose this balance if it has not already been spent. Permanent balances have no expiration date.

Time-limited balances are prioritized in purchases and will be used to make purchases even if the source of the balance is not as highly-prioritized as another permanent balance, i.e., if Playstation is prioritized as the first source of currency but a player has a time-limited balance in their Steam wallet, this time-limited Steam balance will be used first, with any remaining costs then being taken from their Playstation wallet.


Time-limited balances are only available in Japan.

You can read more about how to set expirations on time-limited balances in the Credit a Player’s Wallet section.

# Add Origin of Virtual Currency

  1. In the Admin Portal, go to the E-Commerce section, expand Wallets, and click Configurations.


  2. Choose the platform you want to add from the tabs at the top of the page.


  3. On your selected platform, click the Add button.


  4. The Add Origin of Virtual Currency form will appear. Choose the origin of virtual currency you want to add from the dropdown.


# Sort Payment Rule

  1. In the Admin Portal, expand the E-Commerce section, expand Wallets, and click Configurations. Open your selected platform from the tabs at the top of the page.


  2. Click the Sort Order button, then click and drag each source to adjust its priority. The higher the source, the higher its priority (e.g., Priority Order 1 is higher than Priority Order 2, etc.). Once completed, click the Save Order button to commit your changes.


# Manage Wallets in the Admin Portal

You can view a player’s transaction history, credit, and debit for each of their wallets in the Admin Portal.

# View a Player’s Wallet Details

  1. In the Admin Portal, go to the E-Commerce section, expand Wallets, and click List.


  2. Select the appropriate search filter from the dropdown menu, depending on what player account information you have on hand. You can search by Email or User ID. Input this information into the search bar and click Enter to search.


    The search results will include a list of the wallets owned by the target player.

  3. Select a wallet to view the list of the virtual currency origins available.


  4. You can view the transaction history of the selected wallet. by clicking View in the History column on the right-hand side. The history is listed in descending order with the most recent transactions at the top.



    You can also search for a player’s wallet on the Users page in the Users Management section of the Admin Portal.

# Credit a Player’s Wallet

  1. In the Admin Portal, go to the E-Commerce section, expand Wallets, and click List.


  2. Select the search filter from the dropdown menu in the Search panel that corresponds to the player’s account information that you have on hand. Input that information in the search bar and click Enter to search.


  3. The results of your search will appear with a list of currencies in the wallet of the selected player. Click the Credit button.


  4. The Credit Wallet form will appear. Input the following information:

    • Select the wallet of the specific currency you want to credit from the Currency field.
    • Input the amount you want to credit to the Credit field.
    • Select the source of the credit from the Source dropdown menu. This is a memo field to help you keep track of where credits originated. The options are as follows:
      • Purchase: Credit from player purchase of virtual currency
      • Promotion: Credit from promotional giveaway
      • Achievement: Credit from the player earning an achievement
      • Referral_Bonus: Credit from a referral bonus
      • Redeem_Code: Credit from a redemption code
      • Other: Any other source of credit
    • Select the Origin of Virtual Currency from the dropdown.
    • Define the time when the credit will expire using the Expired At field. This field is optional. If left blank, the credit will be a Permanent Balance.
    • Type the reason for the credit in the Reason field.


  5. Once completed, click the Credit button. The credit will be granted to the selected wallet.

# Credit a Player’s Sub-wallet

  1. You can also credit a specific sub-wallet by clicking Credit on the selected sub-wallet under the Actions column on the Wallets page.


  2. The Credit Wallet form will appear. Input the following information:

    • Input the amount you want to credit to the Credit field.
    • Select the source of the credit from the Source dropdown menu. This is a memo field to help you keep track of where credits originated. The options are as follows:
      • Purchase: Credit from player purchase of virtual currency
      • Promotion: Credit from promotional giveaway
      • Achievement: Credit from the player earning an achievement
      • Referral_Bonus: Credit from a referral bonus
      • Redeem_Code: Credit from a redemption code
      • Other: Any other source of credit
    • Define the time when the credit will expire using the Expired At field. This field is optional. If left blank, the credit will be a Permanent Balance.
    • Type the reason for the credit in the Reason field.


  3. Once completed, click the Credit button. The credit will be granted to the selected sub-wallet.

# Debit a Player’s Sub-wallet

  1. In the Admin Portal, expand the E-Commerce section, expand Wallet, and click List.


  2. Select the appropriate search filter from the dropdown menu, depending on what player account information you have on hand. You can search by Email or User ID. Input this information into the search bar and click Enter to search.


  3. The search results will include a list of the wallets owned by the target player. Select the desired sub-wallet and click Debit under the Actions column on the right-hand side.


  4. The Debit Wallet form will appear. Input the following information:

    • Input the amount you want to debit from the player’s wallet in the Amount field.
    • Type the reason for the debit in the Reason field.


  5. Once completed, click the Debit button. The debit will be subtracted from the selected sub-wallet.

# Implement Wallets Using the Client SDKs

Our SDK can also be used to allow a game client to retrieve wallet data.

# Get Wallet Data

We now support multi-platform wallets. You can call GetWalletInfoByCurrencyCodeV2 to retrieve a wallet’s transaction data based on the currency it uses. The CurrencyCode parameter determines the currency that will be retrieved.