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Last Updated: 11/24/2022, 8:24:26 AM

# AccelByte Cloud 3.36.60

# Release Date: November 21th, 2022

Client-Side SDK Latest Version:

Server-Side SDK Latest Version:

Here’s a look at what’s new in AccelByte Cloud 3.36.0:

# Highlights

# Quality of Life Changes

  • Hide or Display Menus in the Admin Portal

    Certain menus can now be hidden from the Admin Portal. The menus that can be hidden are as follows:

    • Push Notifications
    • Session and Party
    • Session Templates
    • Match Configuration
    • Session History
    • Matchmaking Ruleset
    • Lobby Configuration

    To hide these menus from the Admin Portal, please contact AccelByte for assistance.

  • Matchmaking Based on Player Roles

    The Matchmaking service is now able to match players based on their role in the game. Only players with the defined role will be able to join the match.

    Related Endpoint
  • New Status for Disconnected Players in the Session Service

    Previously if a player was disconnected from a session, the player was marked as dropped which made them unable to rejoin the session. Now, disconnected players will be marked as disconnected and will be able rejoin the session before reaching the inactiveTimeout limit. If they don’t rejoin the session before the inactiveTimeout, they’ll be marked as dropped.

  • Dedicated Server Allocation Logs

    You can now see the dedicated server allocation logs in the Admin Portal to help you see any errors that may have occurred.

  • Delete a Game Build in App Distributions

    You can now delete any unused game builds in App Distributions to free up your AWS S3 storage.

  • Force Logout from Lobby

    Now, when you set the Max Player value for the Lobby lower than the number of connected players, it will force random players to logout from the Lobby. This is useful if you need to perform maintenance on your game. Just set the Max Player value to 0 to force all players to log out while maintenance is performed.

    Related Endpoint
  • Client-SDK Improvements

    Our Client-Side SDK now has the ability to:

    • Calculate the server time added in both Unreal Engine OSS and the Unity SDK.
    • Use the Analytics service with the Unreal OSS.
    Related Endpoint

# Bug Fixes and Minor Changes

  • Fixed functional issues in the Lobby, Matchmaking, Session Service, Armada, Reporting and Moderation, Store, Entitlement, Statistics, Payment, App Editor, Launcher, and Player Portal services.
  • Improved the compression for the BuildInfo manifest file to reduce fetch time in Launcher.